45 years ago, Américo Santo ceased to be a partner in a grocery store and an olive oil warehouse to found the company A. Santo, in Portugal, that originated Group Santo. The Group acts
internationally in lots of sectors: real estate development, industry and health. Companies like Onestone Investements HC SA, that responds for several health units on the Great Lisbon area, and Bandague, a tires retreading industry operating in the whole portuguese market and also in Spain, are just a few examples of the work of the Group. Its progress is the result of the confidence transmitted by more than four decades of experience and by the investment strategy oriented towards generating value.
Besides expanding its operation on other companies, Group Santo has already established itself in the international market. One proof of that is Infante Santo, that bet on the Brazilian market and it didn't take long to become a reference. With innovating and sustainable projects, the main mission is always to overcome the expectation of all the clients and to promote the best experience of all. To make this possible, it counts with a team specialized in each detail, from the choice of the location until the delivery of the key in your hands. No wonder that the main brand of Group Santo is the excellence in everything it does.
Group Santo. Excellence makes part of our history.